Beauty Blog

Does Facial Massage Actually Work?
In the quest for ageless beauty and healthy skin, facial massage often surfaces as a recommended ritual. That’s especially true when you’re struggling with wrinkles, fine lines and other related skincare issues. But amidst the number of beauty advice you’ve heard, one question echoes through: does facial massage actually work? Let’s uncover whether it deserves a place in your daily skincare regimen. Facial Massage: More Than Skin Deep The principle...

From Drab to Fab: Mastering How to Fix Dry & Damaged Hair
Strands as brittle as autumn leaves and as dry as the outback—that’s the plight of dry and damaged hair. But within every challenge lies an opportunity to turn things around. At Beautylux, we believe that no matter the hair havoc, there’s always a pathway back to health and shine. Let’s journey through the essentials to find out exactly how to fix dry & damaged hair and transform your locks from...

Can I Use Body Scrub Every Day? A Deep Dive into Exfoliation
There’s nothing better than the luxurious feeling of a body scrub gliding over your skin. It’s like turning the pages of a book, each layer revealing a fresher, more vibrant you. Indeed, exfoliation is a skincare ritual many swear by to keep ageing at bay. But herein lies a common query: can I use body scrub every day? Dive in with us as we unpack whether you should indulge in...

The Art of Night-time Skincare: How to Wake Up to Beautiful Skin
A soothing bedtime podcast, the comfort of your favourite blanket and the plush feel of your pillow. Just when everything feels perfect, there’s often something we inadvertently overlook: our night-time skincare routine. Often perceived as an “additional task,” it’s anything but. We can’t stress it enough: night-time skincare goes beyond self-indulgence. The truth is it’s more about establishing and embracing an essential routine that can reward us with radiant skin...