Jericho Bodycare Collection - a unique Dead Sea experience at home.
Jericho Spa & Body Care products is a luxurious and sensorial dive into the Dead Sea.
Dead, devitalized, dull, or dry body skin is washed and buffed away in the comfort of your own home spa. From body butters to shower gels, body scrubs and soaps, the Jericho Bodycare Collection offers you an authentic Dead Sea spa like experience, transporting you to the famous lake known for its incredible rich source of minerals and vitamins.
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The Jericho Bodycare Collection is a luxurious and sensorial dive into the Dead Sea that will leave you feeling invigorated from top to toe and help aid in any skin ailments like eczema, psoriasis, itchiness or sensitivities.
For centuries, the Dead Sea has been used by people to heal and invigorate their skin, powered by the naturally occurring rich count in Dead Sea minerals. Jericho Skincare have combined these essential ingredients and trace elements found in the Dead Sea into this collection to help provide nourishment to your hands and feet, help prevent ageing of the skin by stimulating the regeneration of cells and offer daily protection to your skin’s barrier.
The range of aromatic citrus and floral smells will stimulate your senses and cocoon your skin and soul, leaving you naturally clean and replenished.
All products in the Jericho Bodycare Collection can be easily incorporated into your skincare routine and modified for your individual skincare needs.
Jericho Skincare Australia products are designed and developed with quality and purity for your optimum skin health, with technically advanced formulations to pamper and restore skin for a radiant glow.